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"just dumb. de Blasio revealed that his own Thanksgiving plans involve dining at his cousins home in Connecticut - and not cooking. "We again are very gratified by the people coming forward who want to serve. Supreme Court," Tobias said. even during the dry season. Shafiq now uses his wit and bravery to make inroads into rural India's patriarchal societies. Special to CNN(CNN) - As I have read recent neoconservative diatribes against President Obama's nominee for secretary of defense, former Sen Chuck Hagel - including charges that he is an anti-Semite and a full-page advertisement attacking him in The New York Times on Thursday - I have asked myself "What would George Washington do"In his Farewell Address published on September 19 1796 Washington offered his hard-won wisdom on such matters as church and state partisan politics and foreign policyOn foreign policy Washington declared our independence from friends and foes alike warning against the "evils" produced by "permanent inveterate antipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others" To love or hate another nation too deeply he observed "is in some degree to become a slave . to its animosity or to its affection"Even before Obama officially nominated Hagel to be secretary of defense the Vietnam War veteran was being attacked not just for displaying insufficient affection toward Israel but for allegedly being an anti-Semite On December 13 an unnamed Senate aide that Hagel exhibited "the worst kind of anti-Semitism there is" when he said in 2006 that the "Jewish lobby" in Washington tends to "intimidate" lawmakers On January 7 Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations that Hagel "appears to be . frankly an anti-Semite" based on what Abrams described as an insufficiently friendly attitude toward the Jewish community in Nebraska for the "Jewish lobby" remark winning the support of some key Jewish lawmakersI understand why some lawmakers and lobbyists might disagree with comments Hagel once made about the wisdom of going to war with Iraq or about the prospect of going to war with Iran I understand as well why some might take issue with statements he has made about Hezbollah or Hamas or pre-emptive war That is the stuff of politics and I say have at itBut as we as a nation ponder whether Hagel is an appropriate choice for secretary of defense we need to remember that he is being asked to come to work for the United StatesIt is fine for individual Americans to love other countries - for Indian-Americans to love India for Greek-Americans to love Greece for Brazilian-Americans to love Brazil And I am sure that Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz and other signers of Thursday's New York Times ad attacking Chuck Hagel love IsraelThat is their rightBut it is not right for the United States as a nation to love any other country Such love can make us feel we ought to endorse everything that country's leaders do or to attack as un-American anyone who says something even mildly critical of its leadership's policiesI don't know much about Chuck Hagel and I don't particularly care whether he becomes our next secretary of defense But as we ponder his nomination we should remember the words of our first president one of our greatest particularly his observation that "the nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest"The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Stephen Prothero" is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor. during his investment banking days. Christian Louboutin Platforms |
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